Our friends and extended family, Doris and Archie Turner traditionally host a lovely Independence Day gathering at their home. As we have for the last few years, we attended. The young people and the little children enjoyed swimming and all of us enjoyed eating. My contribution was Orange Marmalade Almond Cupcakes and deviled eggs. I came across the cupcake recipe while thumbing through the July edition of Martha Stewart's Everyday Foods magazine. I had all the ingredients except for the orange marmalade and "natural almonds". When I read the ingredients list I wondered what "un-natural almonds" would be! Martha food editor's never make things simple, just so you know. The recipe involved both the food processor (to grind the almonds and combine the dry ingredients) and the Kitchen Aid. Two glitches occurred during the preparation of the cupcakes. The first, a minor setback happened when I was adding the orange marmalade to the batter. As I was preparing to add the marmalade, a HUGE dollop of the sticky, gooey stuff missed the mixing bowl and landed on the counter.....not in the mixing bowl. No. It hit the edge of the counter where some of it stayed and the remainder dribbled down the cabinets and onto the floor. I was able to quickly recover from this situation since I have so many opportunities to practice my recovery.
The second incident was more serious and required the use of hand tools. I can't give a logical explanation of how this happened, but then readers know by now that I come up with totally unique cooking disasters that simply DEFY explanation! As I was placing the the plastic shield on the mixer, something happened and the mixer, which was running, caught the edge and somehow the mixing bowl slipped out of the slots that hold it securely in place during operation. It became wedged at an angle and firmly stuck there. This sort of thing requires quick thought and diligent action and of pulled that off as usual. I turned off the mixer, reached into the nearby tool drawer and retrieved a screwdriver and attempted to pry the bowl loose. That failed, so I grabbed a larger screw driver. I'd like to note that I was making the cupcakes while Gene was taking his afternoon nap in the bedroom, and was trying not to wake him up. These cooking mishaps have revealed so much about my character. When the second screwdriver didn't help, I really didn't care if I disturbed Gene's rest! My goal was to repair the mixer and avoid any metal shards in the cupcake batter. Finally, I reached into the drawer and pulled out the hammer. A strategically place whack loosened the bowl and I was able to proceed. I did check the batter for pieces and metal, and not finding any finished the mixing.
The cupcakes were okay, but I'm not sure I'll make them again. The memories of that event left a bitter taste in my mouth for these sweet treats. Others who ate the cupcakes indicated that they were fine. I don't know if they were just being nice, or if they really meant it. If you'd like to try them, pick up a copy of the July edition of M.S's Everyday Foods magazine.
I have attached a picture of the cupcakes for your enjoyment!
Until next time........
Diane, I have caught up with your blog posts this morning--it's good to give a reminder on FB. It is oftentimes hilarious! I love your escapades in the kitchen and dining room. I, too, have ventured into the "land of blog" with an e-journal of mine and Stan's best-ever road trip. We recently followed the Lewis and Clark Trail from St. Louis to Ft. Clatsop, OR and had marvelous time. Check it out at travgelingwithlewisandclark.blogspot.com. I hope you are planning to come to your 1966 Class Reunion in August. Since I am now an honorary member of your class, I would love to see you, as would all the other regulars at the every-other-year reunions. There's going to be a revisit of the Last Will and Testament. I certainly didn't remember it but you bequeathed something to me--the ablility to get in the last word! How funny! Bet it's still so for you (I picked this up from your blog) and Stan says it's certainly true for me!!!! Please come! Cindy