Thursday, December 31, 2009

Julie and Julia

Gene and I are on a short road trip and I have been away from the kitchen for a couple of days. Yesterday, as Gene drove, I started watching Julie and Julia on my laptop. The battery went low and I had to turn it off. After we arrived at the hotel, I finished watching the movie in two installments, before and after dinner. I enjoyed it more, even with the interruptions, than the first time I saw it and I noticed things that I hadn't noticed during the first viewing.

I noticed that during the movie, we rarely saw Julia's (Meryl Streep) feet. I assume that they had her wearing lifts to make her taller and wanted to hide that. I didn't even remember the Saturday Night Skit being in the movie, but that was priceless!

I also didn't remember Julie's disappointment that in the beginning nobody was reading, following, and commenting on her blog. For the first time, I realized the ego-centrism of the whole blogging idea. At that time, I didn't write a blog, or even plan to. But now that I am, I would love to have more "Followers" and "Comments". While I do enjoy the "It's all about me!" concept, I'd also like for other people to share their experiences through their comments. So please, I am shamelessly asking that if you are reading this, please become a follower and leave your comments. Some of you email your comments, and I certainly appreciate that too. I am willing the relinquish my IAAM attitude for the greater good. Well, maybe that's overstating it a little!

I am not so self-absorbed and ego-centric as to think that a publishing company will contact me....but one never knows, does one?

Happy New Year everybody! Have fun, but be safe.


  1. Dianne,
    You really don't have enough to do today, do you? lol

  2. Kelli saw Julie and Julia but did not care for it too much. Something about the way that it ended. I am ready for some Meatloaf!!!
