Friday, December 18, 2009

More Christmas Cooking

Yesterday was a busy day. It involved most of the activities associated with Christmas, including watching children's Christmas programs, shopping, cooking and looking at Christmas lights.

The day began at Wynnbrook Baptist Church for Alyssa's Christmas program. All the children in the K-3 through K-4 performed. There were so many children and of course it was wonderful. The theme was wishing a happy birthday to Jesus. Age-appropriate. At the end of the program, the children, parents, and grandparents returned to their classrooms for a birthday party for the baby Jesus. The whole event was wonderful.

After we left the church, Gene and I went to Publix and shopped for baking stuff. I had nothing sweet in the house! I baked the much-discussed cream cheese cake and chocolate peanut crock pot clusters. I know that's not the official name, but that pretty much describes it. Those are very popular around the house with the children and grandchildren. I got the recipe from Mother. She made them too and loved them. I remember our last Christmas together. About a week before Chritmas, I was spending the night with Mother. I had shared the recipe with my friend Bea Riley. While I was at Mother's, Bea called to ask me a question about the recipe and told me that she had come up with an alternative to dropping the candy by teaspoonfull onto the baking pan. The recipe makes a huge amount and Bea said that she just plain ran out of patience and just poured it all onto the baking sheet and broke it into bite-sized pieces. I shared this method with Mother, and she approved!

After Cassidy got out of school, she and I went to see Alyssa at gymnastics and then went Christmas shopping for Cassidy. You know when girls get to be 11 years old, they like to pick out their own clothes. I had planned to buy Uggs for her, but she found a jacket at Kinnuken's she liked better. It made her happy, so it made me happy! We were happily surprised to find they Kinnuken's had a huge new shipment of those rubber bracelets that children like to wear. They even had collegiate ones and we bought Auburn ones for Cassidy and Chandler. I really don't get how things can become so popular, but it's fun to share these things with children.

The busy day ended with Chaz' Christmas pageant at Glenwood. The students in 5th and 6th grades did a performance of "Christmas in Reverse". It was very well done, with costumes, recitations, and good music. I was very impressed with how well the students learned their music and lines. They did a wonderful job and we enjoyed it very much.

Looking at Christmas lights was limited to "oh, look" as Cassidy and I drove home after shopping.

After Chaz' pageant, Gene and I came home and I cooked bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Yummy! Then I went to bed. It was a great day.

I hope everyone will have a great day. It's raining again, so be careful.

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